
Ga naar inloggen of Registeer om een manuscript te kunnen inzenden.

Checklist ter voorbereiding van inzending

Als onderdeel van de inzendingsprocedure moeten auteurs verklaren dat hun inzending voldoet aan de volgende richtlijnen. Inzendingen kunnen geretourneerd worden als ze daar niet aan voldoen.
  • De inzending is niet eerder gepubliceerd en is ook niet in overweging bij een ander tijdschrift (tenzij een uitleg is gegeven bij Opmerkingen voor de redacteur).
  • Het ingediende bestand is een OpenOffice-, Microsoft Word-, of RTF-bestandsformaat.
  • Indien beschikbaar, worden URLs aan de referenties toegevoegd.
  • De tekst voldoet aan de stilistische en bibliografische eisen zoals geformuleerd in Richtlijnen voor auteurs, te vinden bij Over dit tijdschrift.

Richtlijnen voor auteurs

  1. Your work is written in one of the following languages: English or Dutch. The abstract and keywords are in English.
  2. Your work is no longer than 8000 words
  3. You can add your manuscript to your submission as a File in Step 2.
  4. Your abstract is in English and contains 100 to 150 words. This is included in your manuscript (before your introduction) and in your submission to the platform.
  5. You need to provide five to ten keywords. Make sure to use “enter” after each keyword when adding them to your submission to the platform.
  6. Add a section with acknowledgements after your conclusion section.
  7. Your bibliography/references are adjusted to The Chicago Manual of Style, seventeenth  edition (2017);
    1. For citations: Even when citing a source for the first time, only use shortened bibliographical information throughout the footnotes in your paper. So instead of David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (London: A. Millar, 1751), 15, you can simply write Hume, Principles of Morals, 15.
    2. Attach the full bibliography in alphabetical order at the end of your work. Here alone, you should include full bibliographical information.
    3. Quotes are placed between double quotation marks. Quotes within quotes have single quotation marks. Commas are placed inside closing quotation marks. If a quotation exceeds four lines, format it as indented quotation in Times New Roman, size 10.
    4. Please, do not use ibid. for repeated citations of the same source.
  8. The article’s general text should be formatted in Times New Roman (single spaces), size 12. Section titles are formatted in Times New Roman, size 14, bold. Subsection titles are formatted in Times New Roman, size 12, bold.
  9. Please write numbers from zero to nine as words, 10 and above as numbers.
  10. All book titles are italicized, as are words in foreign languages (unless commonly used).
  11. Use em dashes (—) to set off parenthetical information or add emphasis within a sentence. Employ en dashes (–) to indicate ranges or connections between items, such as dates, times, or numerical expressions. Use hyphens (-) primarily to join compound words, prefixes, and suffixes, or to separate syllables in a single word.
  12. Tables, charts, and images should be numbered consecutively, and placed and referred to in the main text (so not in an appendix).
  13. Remember to add your professor's feedback before submitting your work. You can add a separate file in step 2 for this within the platform and call it: “Evaluation”. 

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